Thursday, January 24, 2008

What is Conrad trying to say?

After reading both Firchow and Achebe, I can see where they are both coming from. Each has it's own support for their views regarding the Heart of Darkness. In class today, I heard both sides of the argument during the debate. I have to say that I can not pick which one is better. On one hand I believe that yes Conrad is a racist at heart, even though at that time, the term racism has never been heard of. The way Conrad expresses his views in the book suggests his state of mind. On the other hand, I can also see that Conrad was not a racist. The most important support for that is in my opinion is the unknown. The unknown has many effects on people, including the ability to be to think without the outside influence. Overall, I thought that Firchow and Achebe put a different light on the way of thinking. The class debate was also very helpful for the better understanding of both sides.

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