Saturday, January 26, 2008

Achebe Vs. Firchow

In a comaparison of these two authors, it is easy for one to see that racism and contraversy similiar are up to personal interpretation. When looking at a short story written by John Conrad entitled, "Heart of Darkness" one can see both points made by each author. First, Achebe that their truly is a distained look at Africa and its people, as they are not truly represented and many other problems that many British sailors witnessed during their struggles in the African Congo. Yet, one must also see Firchow's point that this was how a British writter is going to write since this is his social background and what he knows. As well as this was the context of so much of the time. Therefor, when the question is asked if "Heart of Darness" is racist, One must look from all perspectives and the context of the time and ask him/herslef if he/she feels in their heart the extent of the racism.

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