Thursday, January 24, 2008

Again, Passing on Passing Judgment

Themes of racism present themselves in Conrad's Heart of Darkness.

Let there be no qualms that the African natives were not portrayed in the most appropriate, socially enlightened light. Admittedly, it can also be argued that Conrad, the Brits, et al were not very socially enlightened.

Let that not stand as justification, however. While some readers may take the descriptions of characters (the majority of which were tribesmen and African) to be animalistic and indicative of a lesser degree of humanity, others interpret the descriptions as characteristic of a different, but not inferior, type of humanness.

Let us remember, most importantly, the title of the novella.

Who has this Heart of Darkness, this hidden savagery, this dark shadow lurking beneath the surface, waiting for that midnight hour when the mask of civility can be removed?

Let the reader determine.

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