Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Apocalypse Now, Way Ahead Of It's Time.

The opening scene's of the movie blew me away, and that doesn't often happen to me unless Im watching: Goodfella's, Scarface, or a select few of my other favorites. Furthermore, another war movie really did not appeal to me after sitting through countless others time and time again.
As I said before the quality of the opening scenes were a first for me in film; never before had I scene such great cinematography as-well as an amazing soundtrack to go along with it. 
I will not critique the entire movie but Im very glad I saw it, and it will definitely be added to my dvd collection in the near future.  
When comparing the novella ''Heart Of Darkness'' and this movie, there are obvious comparisons. The entering of the jungle, in search of a man named kurtz, and of course: ''The Horror! The Horror!'' so many similarities are seen throughout.
Apocalypse now is a great adaptation of Conrad's novella; although European Colonialism is replaced by American Interventionism the theme is still clear and Conrad's famous stories of his travels into the African jungle are depicted wonderfully in Copella's epic movie, Apocalypse now. 
USA is playing mexico right now in soccer, although the level being played can only be described as second rate. I think i might put Apocalypse now back on!


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